FREE Phone: 0800 0385778

Please call us for a chat about what we can offer


Schools and Community-Based Counselling Services in Powys

Area 43 provides an Independent School and Community Based Counselling Service in Powys.

Area 43’s counselling service is available to all children and young people, whether they are in school or electively home-educated, community settings and online sessions may be offered as an alternative to school settings as appropriate. Counsellors will establish any special requirements during the first interaction and determine the preferred language, ensuring sensitivity to cultural differences that may have an impact. Area 43 can offer alternative counsellors as required, with consideration for gender and language.

Counselling is a skilled way of helping people with personal and developmental issues and difficulties in a safe and confidential environment which gives them an opportunity to explore, discover and clarify ways to live in a more satisfying and resourceful way. It offers the opportunity to increase self-awareness, develop personal resources and understand their problems as well as develop strategies to cope with change. Our counselling service is delivered by highly trained professionals and managed by people who fully understand the values, aims and limitations of counselling.

Face-to-face services are delivered between Monday and Saturday 9am to 6pm, all year round, excluding Bank Holidays. Sessions will be 1:1 or in groups (where appropriate) for 10 – 19 year-olds, in either school settings or in the community as required.

Alternatively, we can provide a seamless, blended service with online sessions via secure online meeting platforms, expanding the age range to 11 – 25 year-olds depending on the needs of children and young people. All counselling relationships will usually comprise up to eight weekly sessions and in the language of choice.

Online services are bespoke and tailored to the individual, with young people being matched with a counsellor who will deliver the same quality services via online methods as the face to face services, with additional safety measures in place. Online sessions will be arranged by counsellors directly with the individual at times to suit and will include evenings, weekends, and Bank Holidays up to 10.00pm. For remote sessions, the counsellor will send a video meeting link and instructions to the client to attend their session at the pre-arranged time using their preferred method of communication.

Our head office is open throughout the year, with telephones remotely answered 24/7 by staff sensitive to the needs of children and young people, parents, carers and school staff requesting referral to the counselling service. We provide parents with an understanding person to confide in, for their own wellbeing needs concerning children and young people. We have counsellors and supervisors available during school holidays and outside of school hours. So, with children and young people’s agreement, appointments will take place either in person or remotely during these times.

You can access counselling services by completing our referral form below, if you would like to talk to someone beforehand, you can speak to a teacher in your school, ring Area 43 on 0800 0385778, which is a free call number.

Area 43 takes referrals from other professional agencies, parents/carers, health workers, youth workers and school staff using the same referral form, but no one can ‘make’ you have counselling if you do not want it.

Area 43 is an active member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and its Children & Young People’s Division. We are committed to supporting the BACP’s Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling.

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FREE Phone: 0800 0385778

Please call us for a chat about what we can offer


Here is a selection of responses from students who provided feedback about their counselling experiences:

“It helped me understand the emotions I felt. It helped me change how I dealt with and saw problems. It helped me trust others more than I used to”

“By building my confidence in class and helping me control my temper”

“The counselling helped me to believe in myself, not to put myself down or feel uncomfortable around people, to think things through carefully and that there’s no need to stress about anything”

“I don’t feel stressed as much and I’ve talked to someone about my problems. I’ve gained confidence and don’t argue with teachers anymore”

“It helped me by seeing how I get anger and how to cope and I have learnt strategies”

“Because I could talk about anything and feel comfortable it made Monday mornings better”

“It helped me change to the person people enjoy the company of and gave me back my confidence”

“It was nice to know that once a week I could talk to someone, I could concentrate on my school work instead of worrying about things on my mind and I learnt to help myself and have more confidence”

“It helped me turn my outlook around and feel better about myself and relationships with other people around me”

“Because I have thought of hurting myself but counselling has helped me through it”

“I have felt like I have found myself again. I am a much happier person now that things are improving.”

“Fe wnaeth fy helpu i ddeall yr emosiynau a oedd gennyf. Fe wnaeth fy helpu i newid sut yr oeddwn yn delio gydag a gweld problemau. Fe wnaeth fy helpu i ymddiried mewn eraill yn fwy nag yr oeddwn o’r blaen”

“Drwy adeiladu fy hyder yn y dosbarth a fy helpu i reoli fy nhymer”

“Fe wnaeth y sesiwn gynghori fy helpu i mi gredu yn fy hun, ddim i roi fy hun i lawr neu deimlo’n anesmwyth yng nghwmni pobl, i feddwl pethau’n ofalus ac nid oes angen poeni am ddim byd”

“Nid wyf yn teimlo dan bwysau cymaint ag yr oeddwn ac rwyf wedi siarad gyda rhywun am fy mhroblemau. Rwyf wedi ennyn hyder ac nid wyf yn dadlau gyda’r athrawon bellach”

“Fe wnaeth fy helpu i i weld sut yr oeddwn yn ddig a sut mae ymdopi ac rwyf wedi dysgu strategaethau”

“Oherwydd roeddwn yn gallu siarad am unrhyw beth a deimlais yn gyffyrddus. Roedd fy nheimladau am foreau Llun yn well”

“Fe wnaeth fy helpu newid a nawr mae pobl yn mwynhau bod yn fy nghwmni a chefais fy hyder yn ôl”

“Roedd hi’n braf cael gwybod fy mod i unwaith yr wythnos yn gallu siarad â rhywun, roedd modd i mi ganolbwyntio ar fy ngwaith ysgol yn lle poeni am bethau a oedd ar fy meddwl a dysgais sut i helpu fy hun a chael mwy o hyder”

“Fe wnaeth fy helpu troi fy rhagolwg ar bethau a theimlaf lawer hapusach am fy hun a pherthnasau gyda phobl eraill o’m cwmpas”

“Oherwydd bues i’n meddwl gwneud niwed i mi fy hun ond mae cyngor wedi fy helpu drwy’r sefyllfa”

“Teimlaf fy mod wedi dod o hyd i mi fy hun eto. Rwyf lawer hapusach nawr ac mae pethau’n dechrau gwella.”